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Electricity is better energy than fossil fuels because there is far less heat loss, but it does make for a more diverse set of products that everyone wants. Like you, I ride an e-bike a lot. It makes biking possible for us old guys who would love to have the energy to challenge our hills, but don't. However, I don't need a designer e-bike for every type of riding: cruiser, cargo, folding commuter, mountain, etc. General purpose is enough. Degrowth is a must, but it requires an economy designed to contract without collapse. Depression is not a recommended solution to over consumption. Perhaps we can find the Howard Odum-David Holmgren idea of "a prosperous way down". That is greatly preferred to the dysfunctional chaos we inevitably face with the Trumpian mistake in the US. Capitalism in its totally free market form is basically a Ponzi scheme, and I fear the end game is coming.

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>>” Perhaps we can find the Howard Odum-David Holmgren idea of "a prosperous way down".”

What, exactly, does “a prosperous way down” even look like? The U.S. is $35T in debt right now with another $110+T in unfunded liabilities. How do you grow an economy to repay debt if you’re not allowed to produce or consume?

We have NEVER had a “totally free” capitalist market so the idea that it’s a Ponzi scheme is academic as well as absurd. But any other form of governance is far worse, so I don’t understand what the alternative is or what is being advocated for by pundits speaking their nonsensical talking points to an echo chamber. Care to elucidate?

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