>>” Perhaps we can find the Howard Odum-David Holmgren idea of "a prosperous way down".”
What, exactly, does “a prosperous way down” even look like? The U.S. is $35T in debt right now with another $110+T in unfunded liabilities. How do you grow an economy to repay debt if you’re not allowed to produce or consume?
>>” Perhaps we can find the Howard Odum-David Holmgren idea of "a prosperous way down".”
What, exactly, does “a prosperous way down” even look like? The U.S. is $35T in debt right now with another $110+T in unfunded liabilities. How do you grow an economy to repay debt if you’re not allowed to produce or consume?
We have NEVER had a “totally free” capitalist market so the idea that it’s a Ponzi scheme is academic as well as absurd. But any other form of governance is far worse, so I don’t understand what the alternative is or what is being advocated for by pundits speaking their nonsensical talking points to an echo chamber. Care to elucidate?
>>” Perhaps we can find the Howard Odum-David Holmgren idea of "a prosperous way down".”
What, exactly, does “a prosperous way down” even look like? The U.S. is $35T in debt right now with another $110+T in unfunded liabilities. How do you grow an economy to repay debt if you’re not allowed to produce or consume?
We have NEVER had a “totally free” capitalist market so the idea that it’s a Ponzi scheme is academic as well as absurd. But any other form of governance is far worse, so I don’t understand what the alternative is or what is being advocated for by pundits speaking their nonsensical talking points to an echo chamber. Care to elucidate?