>>” That’s why we have to fight back with our protests at the UNEP conferences supporting limits on the supply of plastics, with our votes for parties THAT SUPPORT BANS ON SINGLE-USE PLASTICS (emphasis added), and with our wallets by refusing to buy them.”

As I see it, the only reason why calls exist for a ban on single-use plastics (SUP’s) is because you already know that people will refuse to comply with the idea of eschewing them voluntarily—because if people would avoid SUP’s on their own, there would be no need for coercive force by government fiat.

In other words, your messaging has been a failure since the 1970’s heyday of Earth Day awareness campaigns and you now need to resort to having government control our lives. So what else can we expect from the government to force us to do? Accept a centralized bank digital currency that will allow the government to control everything we do under penalty of losing access to our own money?

Oh wait, that just happened in the EU. No wonder average people there are pissed and moving further to the right politically.

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I despair when I go to the market and find so many things in plastic packaging. I don't know how to buy my food without ending up bringing disposable plastic home. It is impossible to buy strawberries that are not packed in plastic boxes. Plastic jars far outnumber glass jars for basic pantry items.

I think that a lot of victim blaming is going on. Don't the big-shots that are getting rich off of petroleum products understand that we only have one earth? I fear that they just don't care and are kicking the can down the road because they are comfortable for now, they are not considering the future of their children and our planet.

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>>”It’s impossible to buy strawberries that are NOT packed in plastic boxes.” How *should* they be packed? In those cardboard containers you see at u-pick farms?

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I drly note that the response given resembles "The Sound Of Silence".

It's easy to denigrate something doesn't like - and most that do so never come up with an acceptable alternative. Much less, too, to put in the effort to bring their idea to the Free Market.

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Yesterday, the parent company of Poland Spring announced it will sell water in aluminum cans. I suppose aluminum can be more easily recycled. But buying bottled water is the problem, not what the bottle is made from. And aluminum production is extremely energy intensive.

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In many ways I think it is worse. I have real problems with aluminum https://lloydalter.substack.com/p/what-colour-is-your-aluminum-it-makes

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I agree... any kind of bottled water when we have clean tap water is a waste of resources and just adds to pollution.

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May 1Edited

Gotta agree with you about bottle water. It's a waste of money and natural resources.

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