"If you want healthy habits, you can drive to them and pay." 🤦‍♂️

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Holidays are over folks, time to actively resist Ford and Ontario Conservative Party policy to promote an onerously expensive and environmentally destructive transportation system based on individual macro- mobility devices rather than efficient, affordable shared and micro-mobility modes. Transportation costs are unnecessarily high for every Canadian and disproportionately affect lower income people. No need for graft vote buying gifts Doug, just listen to your professional staff without badgering them to insure your re-election.

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He is channeling The Donald, who wants to treat the whole world to higher pollution levels. Apparently that worm that invaded RFK, Jr's brain has relatives that have infected the brains of other MAGAlomaniacs.

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A good summation of BAD policies and a sad reminder of who we live among.

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He'll fit in perfectly when Trump makes Canada the 51st state.

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Most Politicians are promising so much candy to babies (aka thoughtless narcissistic voters) to get re-elected so they can continue to line their pockets and massage their egos. Most of their policies condone over consumption and total lack of accountability on the part of the majority of taxpayers to get all those votes. What a horrific price we are now, and future generations will be paying!

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I was pondering some of this yesterday, en route to Amherstburg to visit family. Passing several OnRoute locations with huge signs advertising "BEER SOLD HERE", not only beside a bloody major highway, but only accessible by driving! It is incomprehensible! As is the varying speed limit, it makes no sense from the perspective of journey times and even less for fuel consumption.

Adding to all you've said Lloyd, I can't get over the "stop the gravy train", "small government", "for the people" claims that this uncouth lout has come out with. Anything but stopping the gravy train, he and his friends have leapt aboard and increased the number of carriages. He's added the largest cabinet in Ontario history, with all too many members ignorant of their portfolio. For the people is clearly for HIS people, those who can rape the province for profit and damn the consequences.

Pandering to the car lobby is not only detrimental to those who do not use, or rely on cars, but is also detrimental to those who do drive. I've just read some of Megan Kimbles book, City Limits, and she writes about a report, when planning the US interstate highways, stating that public transit was essentially the only option for reducing congestion in cities. It was published in 1960 for heavens sake!

Why on earth can we not look to countries that have successfully improved their cities, rather than looking back to a non-existent utopia? We have great examples, with similar climates, in the Nordic countries for instance. European and Japanese cities, even New York and Montreal, directly comparable with Toronto have vastly more progressive ideas and practises. Added to which, Ford is a provincial politician, why is he poking around in municipal politics?

I do appreciate your efforts, as well as the many others responding here and lobbying, let's hope we can look forward, not backwards in the near future.

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Not to mention that billboards were not allowed within 400 meters of 400 highways until Doug allowed those eyesores on Onroute lands.

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