When I was raising my family. I lived in a non profit housing co op that had been funded by the ontario and federal government.. Well, not as luxurious in common space. As this one you describe. It had a common room with full kitchen and things like that and cars were parked at the back of the property so the children had an entire devel…
When I was raising my family. I lived in a non profit housing co op that had been funded by the ontario and federal government.. Well, not as luxurious in common space. As this one you describe. It had a common room with full kitchen and things like that and cars were parked at the back of the property so the children had an entire development to run around and safely. It was a wonderful community and I was really blessed to have been able to raise my children that way. When we move in there, we're 9 children under the age of 7 and they all grew up together and played together and many of them know each other today. And it was a really special place. We need more of that. But the government's have canceled things like funding nonprofit housing. Which I think is a serious mistake.
When I was raising my family. I lived in a non profit housing co op that had been funded by the ontario and federal government.. Well, not as luxurious in common space. As this one you describe. It had a common room with full kitchen and things like that and cars were parked at the back of the property so the children had an entire development to run around and safely. It was a wonderful community and I was really blessed to have been able to raise my children that way. When we move in there, we're 9 children under the age of 7 and they all grew up together and played together and many of them know each other today. And it was a really special place. We need more of that. But the government's have canceled things like funding nonprofit housing. Which I think is a serious mistake.