Lloyd wrote: "It’s up to us to work the demand side. We know this goes; we saw this movie in 2020 at the pandemic's peak. As I wrote in my book Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle, 'We saw what happens when we stopped consuming during the pandemic: Oil companies lost billions.' "
This has to be the most idiotic, incompetent, misguided, and ne…
Lloyd wrote: "It’s up to us to work the demand side. We know this goes; we saw this movie in 2020 at the pandemic's peak. As I wrote in my book Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle, 'We saw what happens when we stopped consuming during the pandemic: Oil companies lost billions.' "
This has to be the most idiotic, incompetent, misguided, and nescient comment you have *EVER* made, full stop.
A few billion dollars in lost profit from oil companies pales in comparison to the $9+ ***TRILLION*** shelled out by the U.S. Treasury in an attempt to keep the country's economy afloat (which was unnecessary to destroy, BTW.) You're such a climate zealot you're willing to overlook the trillions in federal debt we added as a result of a failed attempt to stop the pandemic—along with the loss of millions of jobs, small businesses, their retirement plans (or to pass on to the next generation), dreams, hopes, sleepful nights, and more. And you want to permanently replicate this lockdown? To what end? I've yet to hear or see a tree that grows money out of it—have you? So where is the money going to come from to pay people NOT to work, NOT to consume?
Or is the plan—as others have hinted at both here and back on TreeHugger—to "do away" with a few billion people so that the rich can be our new overlords in the New World Order fiefdom, while developing nations will be granted direct monetary payments from our tax dollars to leapfrog traditional energy infrastructure and go straight to nothing but intermittent, highly variable, and unreliable renewables??
Modern Western society will not—NOT—go quietly into the night just because their elected officials demand they lower their standards of living by a few decades. They will fight, and fight hard, to preserve what they have and what is NOT a crisis no matter how manufactured the media tries making it out to be. So will all those people need to be "hushed up" as I hinted at above?
Good luck with all of that, Lloyd. The pandemic lockdown response was a COLOSSAL clusterfuck of ineptitude and failure, and We The People will not allow our leaders to force their idiotic and ineffective control measures on us any longer. Wanting to repeat this failure, and keep it repeating forever and ever, says everything anyone ever needs to know about how unbased, illogical, and nescient you really are.
Lloyd wrote: "It’s up to us to work the demand side. We know this goes; we saw this movie in 2020 at the pandemic's peak. As I wrote in my book Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle, 'We saw what happens when we stopped consuming during the pandemic: Oil companies lost billions.' "
This has to be the most idiotic, incompetent, misguided, and nescient comment you have *EVER* made, full stop.
A few billion dollars in lost profit from oil companies pales in comparison to the $9+ ***TRILLION*** shelled out by the U.S. Treasury in an attempt to keep the country's economy afloat (which was unnecessary to destroy, BTW.) You're such a climate zealot you're willing to overlook the trillions in federal debt we added as a result of a failed attempt to stop the pandemic—along with the loss of millions of jobs, small businesses, their retirement plans (or to pass on to the next generation), dreams, hopes, sleepful nights, and more. And you want to permanently replicate this lockdown? To what end? I've yet to hear or see a tree that grows money out of it—have you? So where is the money going to come from to pay people NOT to work, NOT to consume?
Or is the plan—as others have hinted at both here and back on TreeHugger—to "do away" with a few billion people so that the rich can be our new overlords in the New World Order fiefdom, while developing nations will be granted direct monetary payments from our tax dollars to leapfrog traditional energy infrastructure and go straight to nothing but intermittent, highly variable, and unreliable renewables??
Modern Western society will not—NOT—go quietly into the night just because their elected officials demand they lower their standards of living by a few decades. They will fight, and fight hard, to preserve what they have and what is NOT a crisis no matter how manufactured the media tries making it out to be. So will all those people need to be "hushed up" as I hinted at above?
Good luck with all of that, Lloyd. The pandemic lockdown response was a COLOSSAL clusterfuck of ineptitude and failure, and We The People will not allow our leaders to force their idiotic and ineffective control measures on us any longer. Wanting to repeat this failure, and keep it repeating forever and ever, says everything anyone ever needs to know about how unbased, illogical, and nescient you really are.