"...The greatness of America is founded on science."
He's utterly wrong. There are Four Pillars to the American Experiment, our Constitutional Republic:
- Free Speech
- Freedom of Expression
- The Right to Private Property and Contract
-The Rule of Law
- The Right to Private Contract
Without those 4 interlocking philosophies, there would never have been an American Declaration of Independence nor our Constitution that has stood the trials and tribulations of time (even with Progressives trying to defenestrate it rather often).
The greatness, in short, stems from the enormous study of history, politics, economics, and the ever-yearning to be Free by our (rather young) Founders that created the best sociological document to prevent the aggregation of Power by n'err-do-wells seeking to undo self-government and return us to a form of neo-feudalism (think: a combination of The Strong Man and The Divine Rights of Kings).
Also, make no mistake about it, it also has to do with EMOTION (on both sides of the aisle) as science is oft cast aside in the heat of the battle politic. Yes, facts matter, but so do hearts. "Have less, do less, be less" is a direct attack on the emotion of Aspiration - the will to do more and be better.
If the greatness of America is founded on science then America is boned.
There's a crisis of science today in the "publish-or-die" aspect of non-reproducible, dial-in-your-own-desired-conclusion scientific studies being mass produced for clout and monetary purposes. Sabine Hossfelder has, on her YouTube account, addressed the pressing concern of what is a failure of science on more than one occasion—and since all of the scientific studies surrounding climate change uses the same curated (and manipulated) data sets maintained by NOAA and NASA, it's unsurprising that the same results keep being "proven." It's more telling that those entities don't explain the how or why of revising historical data to cool the past and warm the present, only that we peons are to trust the scientists and their supposed altruism.
I, for one, remain skeptical—as should everyone, even of the experts.
"...The greatness of America is founded on science."
He's utterly wrong. There are Four Pillars to the American Experiment, our Constitutional Republic:
- Free Speech
- Freedom of Expression
- The Right to Private Property and Contract
-The Rule of Law
- The Right to Private Contract
Without those 4 interlocking philosophies, there would never have been an American Declaration of Independence nor our Constitution that has stood the trials and tribulations of time (even with Progressives trying to defenestrate it rather often).
The greatness, in short, stems from the enormous study of history, politics, economics, and the ever-yearning to be Free by our (rather young) Founders that created the best sociological document to prevent the aggregation of Power by n'err-do-wells seeking to undo self-government and return us to a form of neo-feudalism (think: a combination of The Strong Man and The Divine Rights of Kings).
Also, make no mistake about it, it also has to do with EMOTION (on both sides of the aisle) as science is oft cast aside in the heat of the battle politic. Yes, facts matter, but so do hearts. "Have less, do less, be less" is a direct attack on the emotion of Aspiration - the will to do more and be better.
So there's a partial answer to you.
If the greatness of America is founded on science then America is boned.
There's a crisis of science today in the "publish-or-die" aspect of non-reproducible, dial-in-your-own-desired-conclusion scientific studies being mass produced for clout and monetary purposes. Sabine Hossfelder has, on her YouTube account, addressed the pressing concern of what is a failure of science on more than one occasion—and since all of the scientific studies surrounding climate change uses the same curated (and manipulated) data sets maintained by NOAA and NASA, it's unsurprising that the same results keep being "proven." It's more telling that those entities don't explain the how or why of revising historical data to cool the past and warm the present, only that we peons are to trust the scientists and their supposed altruism.
I, for one, remain skeptical—as should everyone, even of the experts.
"If the greatness of America is founded on science then America is boned."
I would have to agree. What has science really done in the last 20 years? What new inventions?