Looks great to me, funny the Gazelle people's attitude to it. Perhaps it should be like Scholl or Birkenstock shoes, going from a bit dorky and orthopaedic to hip and trendy! Though once you've drawn attention to the name sounding like a laxative... hilarious, but one can't not think of it now.

I've always been happier when I could touch the ground with most of both feet, and hop off the front of the saddle at a stop, which to proper cycling people, with their shoe cleats, crossbars, drops etc is decidedly lame. Most modern bike saddles are easily adjusted, but the problem with having the seat too low is it can strain the knees after a bit; the 'special geometry' of the Easyflow, with the pedals set a bit forward, presumably means you can get a satisfactory leg stretch while pedalling even with a lower seat position.

The Gazelle website is certainly something to drool over, I particularly like 'Miss Grace'. But I'm happy with my chunky, bright blue E-vision Alegria, with the seat at a comfortable height and a reasonably low stepover!

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Easyflow looks like the one for me!

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