"Small potatoes ... general idea". That's the problem; the government is too timid to take the bull (Ram?) by the horns. Rebating the tax is just returning what you (governemnt) shouldn't have collected in the first place. My idea of an *effective* carbon tax is to show it when you pay it, such as at the diesel or gas pump, or on your fo…
"Small potatoes ... general idea". That's the problem; the government is too timid to take the bull (Ram?) by the horns. Rebating the tax is just returning what you (governemnt) shouldn't have collected in the first place. My idea of an *effective* carbon tax is to show it when you pay it, such as at the diesel or gas pump, or on your fossil gas or electricity bill, just like the GST. Then, don't just rebate it to everyone; apply the revenue by rebating it to the people who actively try to reduce their fossil fuel consumption, by insulating, sealing and ERV ventilating houses, and installing energy efficient windows. People who complain about the cost of gas for their 'vanity' big pick-up trucks or SUVs might be motivated to downsize, and so on.
"Small potatoes ... general idea". That's the problem; the government is too timid to take the bull (Ram?) by the horns. Rebating the tax is just returning what you (governemnt) shouldn't have collected in the first place. My idea of an *effective* carbon tax is to show it when you pay it, such as at the diesel or gas pump, or on your fossil gas or electricity bill, just like the GST. Then, don't just rebate it to everyone; apply the revenue by rebating it to the people who actively try to reduce their fossil fuel consumption, by insulating, sealing and ERV ventilating houses, and installing energy efficient windows. People who complain about the cost of gas for their 'vanity' big pick-up trucks or SUVs might be motivated to downsize, and so on.