It was both brave and naive of the minister to speak the truth. I knew him as a peer when I was in the NGO world and I greatly admired him then and my respect for him continues to grow. Just an all round decent, deeply informed human pushing the climate conversation where he can while trying not to hand the controls to the populists. Effing discouraging.
It was both brave and naive of the minister to speak the truth. I knew him as a peer when I was in the NGO world and I greatly admired him then and my respect for him continues to grow. Just an all round decent, deeply informed human pushing the climate conversation where he can while trying not to hand the controls to the populists. Effing discouraging.
It was both brave and naive of the minister to speak the truth. I knew him as a peer when I was in the NGO world and I greatly admired him then and my respect for him continues to grow. Just an all round decent, deeply informed human pushing the climate conversation where he can while trying not to hand the controls to the populists. Effing discouraging.