Excellent! Consider promoting Heat-Waste Capture in a perpetual 365 day energy loop for all urban heating and cooling applications. 100% of Natural methane Gas usage is eliminated, electricity is conserved, while hot water, heating and cooling are provided from the locality in all weather systems. There are no grids or pipelines to fail.…
Excellent! Consider promoting Heat-Waste Capture in a perpetual 365 day energy loop for all urban heating and cooling applications. 100% of Natural methane Gas usage is eliminated, electricity is conserved, while hot water, heating and cooling are provided from the locality in all weather systems. There are no grids or pipelines to fail. With the addition of building insulation, passive solar application, geothermal addition, solar and wind, Net Zero buildings are easily achievable. The company SHARC Energy Systems has proven this application in numerous international communities, at home in Vancouver BC., Toronto, Portland, Seattle, Denver, New York, Scotland. New York State has mandated that heat-waste capture be utilized in all future building heating. In Creston, BC, our entire recreational complex is heating from the swimming pool heat capture in a perpetual heating loop. Please highlight this practical, local , container-sized environmentally minimum footprint technology for heating our buildings. Fossil-fuel, overheat our planet no more.your time
Heat-Waste Capture increases system efficiency - captures and utilizes waste heat so that less energy needs to be input to the system. Heat-Waste Capture is a valued contributor to sustainability, but does not eliminate the need to input energy to the system. The system can operate perpetually only if additional energy is input to the system.
Excellent! Consider promoting Heat-Waste Capture in a perpetual 365 day energy loop for all urban heating and cooling applications. 100% of Natural methane Gas usage is eliminated, electricity is conserved, while hot water, heating and cooling are provided from the locality in all weather systems. There are no grids or pipelines to fail. With the addition of building insulation, passive solar application, geothermal addition, solar and wind, Net Zero buildings are easily achievable. The company SHARC Energy Systems has proven this application in numerous international communities, at home in Vancouver BC., Toronto, Portland, Seattle, Denver, New York, Scotland. New York State has mandated that heat-waste capture be utilized in all future building heating. In Creston, BC, our entire recreational complex is heating from the swimming pool heat capture in a perpetual heating loop. Please highlight this practical, local , container-sized environmentally minimum footprint technology for heating our buildings. Fossil-fuel, overheat our planet no more.your time
Hello Seeyre,
Heat-Waste Capture increases system efficiency - captures and utilizes waste heat so that less energy needs to be input to the system. Heat-Waste Capture is a valued contributor to sustainability, but does not eliminate the need to input energy to the system. The system can operate perpetually only if additional energy is input to the system.