Greed knows no sufficiency.

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The second problem they face, the snow will evaporate too! No matter what surface they put beneath it, those dry winds will take much of the snow water with them.

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Just a 1.5km^2 lake at 2000m.ASL in that climate will lose 10's of millions of litres per day to evaporation. e.g. at current conditions (average 10°C, 25%rh), and a 30kph wind, 1.5 million litres per hour will evaporate.

Every litre of water will need, in addition to 2Wh of desalination, another 6Wh to pump it 2000m up hill (assuming no losses!). In the real world 10 to 15 Wh per litre for desal and pumping. This adds up to hundreds of MWh per day, just to maintain the lake.

If we assume 700000 vistors per year, and add the 7000 population, we could assume to spend 10 to 15 kWh per person, per day, just on the water supply. Then ask how much the snow guns, lifts, luxury resort, et.c. will cost? This is the opposite of any "green" accomodation.

This resort could use as much electricity as KSA's entire renewable generation capacity in 2022.

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Wow! Psychedelic delusions!

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Just as delusional as net zero

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This looks absolutely bonkers

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