Whoever said houses with simple geometries were drab? Compare the average McMansion with origami roofs, a bajillion bumpouts, and pastel colored paint (because vinyl siding apparently still can't take real colors without deforming) with an 18th century box-with-gable house or 19th century row house--which one is more fun? By all means go…
Whoever said houses with simple geometries were drab? Compare the average McMansion with origami roofs, a bajillion bumpouts, and pastel colored paint (because vinyl siding apparently still can't take real colors without deforming) with an 18th century box-with-gable house or 19th century row house--which one is more fun? By all means go wild with ornamentation, but keep it outside the thermal envelope and keep the basic geometry simple.
Whoever said houses with simple geometries were drab? Compare the average McMansion with origami roofs, a bajillion bumpouts, and pastel colored paint (because vinyl siding apparently still can't take real colors without deforming) with an 18th century box-with-gable house or 19th century row house--which one is more fun? By all means go wild with ornamentation, but keep it outside the thermal envelope and keep the basic geometry simple.