It IS a great time to be alive; between advances in medical technology and information technology (to say nothing of the advances in things like flat-panel TV's and LEDs or the like) our aging populations are far better off than in previous decades. Yet it's also a time for far more anxiety and affordability. We need to not forget about …
It IS a great time to be alive; between advances in medical technology and information technology (to say nothing of the advances in things like flat-panel TV's and LEDs or the like) our aging populations are far better off than in previous decades. Yet it's also a time for far more anxiety and affordability. We need to not forget about the goals in life, which is essentially the human experience—finding happiness, creativity, and forming meaningful human relationships. The Zoomers and Gen Alpha should keep that in mind as they grow up.
It IS a great time to be alive; between advances in medical technology and information technology (to say nothing of the advances in things like flat-panel TV's and LEDs or the like) our aging populations are far better off than in previous decades. Yet it's also a time for far more anxiety and affordability. We need to not forget about the goals in life, which is essentially the human experience—finding happiness, creativity, and forming meaningful human relationships. The Zoomers and Gen Alpha should keep that in mind as they grow up.