I recall ours then had roofs of corrugated iron and were double-sided so a free standing rack could be approached from both sides and better use was made of the available space…
I recall ours then had roofs of corrugated iron and were double-sided so a free standing rack could be approached from both sides and better use was made of the available space, keeping handle-bars apart. The racks for the wheels were U-shaped, so different sizes (lengths) of bike could use the racks. I expect a well-known Toronto architect/cyclist could probably alter the design to accomodate e-bikes...
When I was a student in Reading, Berks. in the early 1960s I recall we had bike racks that looked a bit like these:
I recall ours then had roofs of corrugated iron and were double-sided so a free standing rack could be approached from both sides and better use was made of the available space, keeping handle-bars apart. The racks for the wheels were U-shaped, so different sizes (lengths) of bike could use the racks. I expect a well-known Toronto architect/cyclist could probably alter the design to accomodate e-bikes...