Do you see the threat of continuing to burn fossil fuels? Do you read the data on indoor air pollution in relation to gas stoves? Do you know how many people die prematurely because of outdoor and indoor air pollution? The data on the impact of fossil fuels is quite clear. No environmentalist wishes to have an intrusive government go int…
Do you see the threat of continuing to burn fossil fuels? Do you read the data on indoor air pollution in relation to gas stoves? Do you know how many people die prematurely because of outdoor and indoor air pollution? The data on the impact of fossil fuels is quite clear. No environmentalist wishes to have an intrusive government go into houses and remove gas stoves to take away people's internal combustion engine cars. That is why we favor an induced, entirely non-violent, but with some pressure, change to the system of energy use. We may not see it here, but our burning of fossil fuels is killing people, coercing mass migration, and generating instability. Therefore some effort to increase the pace of change is required. It is better to push/regulate the corporate world to change the options people can choose than it is to make illegal the use of what people already have. Monarchs do the later. What we advocate for is better choices and the removal of choices that unknowingly kill.
By the way, people choose cars based on corporate marketing, not always based on the best choice. In that way you are correct, corporations are better marketers than governments. It is just that their products, whether it is glyphosate, paraquat, ICE, large cars, SUVs, pickups, guns, or leaky gas stoves, can kill.
Do you see the threat of continuing to burn fossil fuels? Do you read the data on indoor air pollution in relation to gas stoves? Do you know how many people die prematurely because of outdoor and indoor air pollution? The data on the impact of fossil fuels is quite clear. No environmentalist wishes to have an intrusive government go into houses and remove gas stoves to take away people's internal combustion engine cars. That is why we favor an induced, entirely non-violent, but with some pressure, change to the system of energy use. We may not see it here, but our burning of fossil fuels is killing people, coercing mass migration, and generating instability. Therefore some effort to increase the pace of change is required. It is better to push/regulate the corporate world to change the options people can choose than it is to make illegal the use of what people already have. Monarchs do the later. What we advocate for is better choices and the removal of choices that unknowingly kill.
By the way, people choose cars based on corporate marketing, not always based on the best choice. In that way you are correct, corporations are better marketers than governments. It is just that their products, whether it is glyphosate, paraquat, ICE, large cars, SUVs, pickups, guns, or leaky gas stoves, can kill.