""There are no innocent bystanders. All are involved. All are consumed.""
This really bothers me - a lot. Why?
Our US Constitution's First Amendment says that we have the Right of Assembly - to be with others of like minded. The converse has also been adjudicated to hold true - we can't be forced to be with those we don't wish to.
""There are no innocent bystanders. All are involved. All are consumed.""
This really bothers me - a lot. Why?
Our US Constitution's First Amendment says that we have the Right of Assembly - to be with others of like minded. The converse has also been adjudicated to hold true - we can't be forced to be with those we don't wish to.
"All are involved" violated both of those. It removes personal choice and agency as it forces me to be involved with and in somebody else's business, wants, and needs. Who the heck is he to demand I stand with him. Same thing with "SAY IT! SAY FREE PALESTINE!!!" or I'm judged to be evil. Just leave me the heck alone.
<insert other examples here>.
I can be asked if I would join but don't force anyone to do so. The problem is, more and more, a "No" answer often is returned with either verbal or physical violence. Doubt me
Look at many US College campuses like Columbia, NYU, Berkley, Harvard, and others.
BTW, been there, seen that - this political / propaganda movement is nothing more than a rerun of the 1960s US Anti-war movement. At least those protesters were far better behaved (the SDS et al being the exceptions) than what we are seeing now.
""There are no innocent bystanders. All are involved. All are consumed.""
This really bothers me - a lot. Why?
Our US Constitution's First Amendment says that we have the Right of Assembly - to be with others of like minded. The converse has also been adjudicated to hold true - we can't be forced to be with those we don't wish to.
"All are involved" violated both of those. It removes personal choice and agency as it forces me to be involved with and in somebody else's business, wants, and needs. Who the heck is he to demand I stand with him. Same thing with "SAY IT! SAY FREE PALESTINE!!!" or I'm judged to be evil. Just leave me the heck alone.
<insert other examples here>.
I can be asked if I would join but don't force anyone to do so. The problem is, more and more, a "No" answer often is returned with either verbal or physical violence. Doubt me
Look at many US College campuses like Columbia, NYU, Berkley, Harvard, and others.
BTW, been there, seen that - this political / propaganda movement is nothing more than a rerun of the 1960s US Anti-war movement. At least those protesters were far better behaved (the SDS et al being the exceptions) than what we are seeing now.