
Congratulations Lloyd! I wish I could have been there.

I'll bet I'm not the only one who wants a signed copy. How can we manage that without burning too much upfront carbon.:)

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May 24Liked by Lloyd Alter

Congratulations, Lloyd! Looks like a truly wonderful event and a memorable evening! Keep getting the message out!

What's the next book? :)

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Congratulations! My preordered copy arrived a few days ago.

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I will be getting my copy. Hey Lloyd: I was in the same year as John Van Nostrand. Wevin LA shared studio space and I never missed a Peter Pragnell Wedneday night presentation

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Congratulations on the release and once your flurry is ebbing let's get you on Sustain What to talk sufficiency!

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Waiting for my copy I ordered on amazon. Excited for the read in June :)

Are you coming out west Lloyd? If so I owe you a drink.

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i completely love this!

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