The instinct of self-preservation alone should make the bicyclist want to obey traffic laws i.e. stopping at Stop signs unless they're out to win a Darwin award. Why is this? A bicyclist should not want to mess with a vehicle going at speed, for it's force is mighty and the bicyclist's mass is lite. In other words, bad things happen when a metal monster (a vehicle) meets a meat sack on a bicycle.
The instinct of self-preservation alone should make the bicyclist want to obey traffic laws i.e. stopping at Stop signs unless they're out to win a Darwin award. Why is this? A bicyclist should not want to mess with a vehicle going at speed, for it's force is mighty and the bicyclist's mass is lite. In other words, bad things happen when a metal monster (a vehicle) meets a meat sack on a bicycle.
The instinct of self-preservation alone should make the bicyclist want to obey traffic laws i.e. stopping at Stop signs unless they're out to win a Darwin award. Why is this? A bicyclist should not want to mess with a vehicle going at speed, for it's force is mighty and the bicyclist's mass is lite. In other words, bad things happen when a metal monster (a vehicle) meets a meat sack on a bicycle.