To the "ALL USERS OF THE ROAD MUST BE TREATED THE SAME" crowd may I suggest one take a bus some time, arrive early & choose a stop near a stop sign & count how many motorists ACTUALLY come to a full & complete stop. (Hint: Llittle to none is the answer.) Furthermore in Ontario there are some different rules for different vehicles, eg: Ve…
To the "ALL USERS OF THE ROAD MUST BE TREATED THE SAME" crowd may I suggest one take a bus some time, arrive early & choose a stop near a stop sign & count how many motorists ACTUALLY come to a full & complete stop. (Hint: Llittle to none is the answer.) Furthermore in Ontario there are some different rules for different vehicles, eg: Vehicles must Yield to Transit buses that are reentering traffic & one must pull over & stop to allow emergency vehicles to pass. Commercial vehicles have different licensing & are subject to frequent inspections. Delivery vans are almost NEVER ticketed for blocking a bike lane (I was cut off by one a couple of months back as it pulled into my bike lane & I almost slammed into it when it jammed on it's brakes as it parked.) In some cities bikes are ALLOWED on certain sidewalks. Even now, one size does not fit all.
To the "ALL USERS OF THE ROAD MUST BE TREATED THE SAME" crowd may I suggest one take a bus some time, arrive early & choose a stop near a stop sign & count how many motorists ACTUALLY come to a full & complete stop. (Hint: Llittle to none is the answer.) Furthermore in Ontario there are some different rules for different vehicles, eg: Vehicles must Yield to Transit buses that are reentering traffic & one must pull over & stop to allow emergency vehicles to pass. Commercial vehicles have different licensing & are subject to frequent inspections. Delivery vans are almost NEVER ticketed for blocking a bike lane (I was cut off by one a couple of months back as it pulled into my bike lane & I almost slammed into it when it jammed on it's brakes as it parked.) In some cities bikes are ALLOWED on certain sidewalks. Even now, one size does not fit all.