Another advantage (not!) is that the headlights are higher, so if one still (gasp) drives a small car (we have a Chevy Bolt EV and a Honda Fit) the lights are blinding even if not on high beams.

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Yup, I cannot wait for someone to invent a flip-up mirror as an aftermarket add-on for small cars. One that will point the headlights backwards while shielding the driver from headlights.

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I will agree with you about the Porsche.

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That Porsche is the perfect car.

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When I was a kid I traveled around our coutry with my dad, mom and sister on a small 80's accord coupe, with bags and had no issue. (It was a lot of fun) Nowadays, one baby equals about 1-2 cu m of storage needs for a family vehicle, just for the stroller and diaper bag.

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Great post! My cute lil 2023 Chevy Bolt is at the dealer, so they can scratch their heads over how to fix the problem w/ my AC charger -- which is literally one of two problems, even I know that. So, the only loaner they had was, wait for it, a 2024 electric blue Silverado king cab. The front end is downright RUDE. It's an obnoxious, bullying vehicle and I'm left wondering what karma I still have to work out when I've driven all-electric since 2015.

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Good horns help protect some pedestrians, especially those with mobile phones. I had a VW Beetle in the UK; some idiot turned across in front of me, damaging both cars and injuring one of my passengers. Since then (1965), I have fitted a Fiamm air horn on all of my vehicles (except the current PriusC hybrid, too small to find a decent place). Some tobogganing kids were protected from sliding under my Bronco, but generally I haven't had to use the horn. I was taught defensive driving by a retired city police driving instructor - it sure helps!

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