I am enthused. This is a great initiative and I am really happy to have found your article on it this morning! The caveat here is the implementation. My mind fills with great opportunities, but who is capable of collating the many attributes, many of which should be cutting edge?
There were some really smart people involved in this progra…
I am enthused. This is a great initiative and I am really happy to have found your article on it this morning! The caveat here is the implementation. My mind fills with great opportunities, but who is capable of collating the many attributes, many of which should be cutting edge?
There were some really smart people involved in this program then, while the issues were not the same then at all. Energy was to be used, colonialism was not at issue, singe family housing was a given, transport was cars, sewage went in a pipe, we could assume with 25 year max rainfall ...
I am enthused. This is a great initiative and I am really happy to have found your article on it this morning! The caveat here is the implementation. My mind fills with great opportunities, but who is capable of collating the many attributes, many of which should be cutting edge?
There were some really smart people involved in this program then, while the issues were not the same then at all. Energy was to be used, colonialism was not at issue, singe family housing was a given, transport was cars, sewage went in a pipe, we could assume with 25 year max rainfall ...
I pray that the path will be well executed.