Canoo, the little electric minibus that looks like a toaster, is bankrupt. I have been writing about it for years; I wanted one. It was a brave little toaster of a car, shorter than our Subaru Impreza, yet could hold more than most pickup trucks. I won’t go into the details of how it went bankrupt because Steve Hanley did a fabulous job of it, concluding,
“The bottom line is that planning to build electric cars is easy. Actually becoming an EV manufacturer is hard. Apple spent billions and never got as far as Canoo did…Lots of people will be feeling a sense of loss for what could have been but now never will be.”
I want to talk about the design, because it deserves to be celebrated. Back in 2020, Richard Kim, in charge of design at Canoo, described it as a loft on wheels.
"Cars always have been designed to convey a certain image and emotion; however, we chose to completely rethink car design and focus on what future users will actually need. Thus, we came up with this loft-inspired vehicle.”
The Canoo put all the guts of the car, the batteries and the motors, in a "Skateboard", a term used by Amory Lovins a dozen years ago, where all the workings of the car are squished into the bottom and the body is stuck on top. But Canoo takes it even further with its "steer by wire", with no hardware connection between the steering wheel and the wheels, noting:
“Steer-by-wire offers weight savings and paves the way for autonomous driving. We have complete freedom to locate the steering wheel to suit any cabin design and driver position. It also leads to a more responsive and smoother driving experience. Since steer-by-wire eliminates the need for a mechanical connection, there is more freedom to arrange the interior space of the vehicle to provide customers with exciting new vehicle options.”
I loved the visibility, the low window in the front that will let you see the kid walking in front, in case the seven cameras, five radars, and 12 ultrasonic sensors don't.
Volkswagen did this in the ‘50s, taking the VW Beetle platform and sticking a box on top with their air-cooled engine at the rear.
They even had a pickup truck version, easy to do since you just change the top design. I wrote about it:
Just like the Canoo van reminded me of a Volkswagen bus, the Canoo pickup is very much like the Volkswagen pickup truck of the late 50s and early 60s, with its fold-down sides and enclosed storage under the bed. They even have about the same payload; the Canoo has a capacity of 1800 pounds, the VW could carry 1764 pounds. It is also a versatile design:
"Canoo designed its pickup truck to be the most cab-forward and space efficient on the market, with massive cargo capacity on the smallest footprint possible... Lined with trim and materials selected for durability, the extended cab vehicle has two seats in the front with a customizable rear compartment that can accommodate two additional seats or support additional purpose-built use-case configurability."
What I loved the most was they way it was designed from first principles, from the ground up, writing:
As Bucky Fuller found back in 1934, when you design a vehicle from the ground up instead of from preconceptions and expectations, you get a different result. You get great visibility because the driver is pushed forward to where they can see kids in front of the car. You get more room behind; with the Canoo, it delivers a six-foot truck bed in a vehicle that is only 184 inches long, only 6 inches longer than a Subaru Impreza, and a full 5 feet shorter than an F-150. And because carrying a 4x8 sheet of plywood was the classic requirement of a pickup, it has a pop-out extension to enlarge the truck bed.
Unfortunately, when you design a vehicle from the ground up, it often scares people away. That’s why we get skeuomorphism, and why our electric pickup trucks look just like our gas powered pickup trucks.
Many people thought the Canoo was ugly. I thought it was a great design, based on a heritage going back to Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Car through the Volkswagen bus and Amory Lovins's skateboard. I concluded in 2020:
Perhaps that's why I like the Canoo. It's small, its form truly does follow its function rather than the preconceived notion of what a car should look like, and they are thinking and rethinking everything. which every designer of just about anything should be doing these days. Whether people will accept it is another story.
I suppose that now all incentives for building electric cars have been killed by the new American government, that there is no chance of anyone rescuing it. This is such a shame; it was such a brave little toaster of a car.
Here is the fundamental dilemma: Why do we love what should not be? Canoo looks like a great vehicle. It hits all the right buttons for environmentally sensitive people, and people sensitive people, save two. 1. It is loaded with embodied energy. 2. It does not solve the problem of too many cars, which includes impervious surfaces. We cannot have our cake and eat it too. If the way to solve the environmental crisis is degrowth, which I believe, and some of your readers absolutely do not, why do we still love a design like the Canoo? We've been trained that way from birth in the US, Canada and other developed nations. Yet this is what we must let go, though it will take a gradual process because the change needed requires the recovery of system parts that have gone missing. The primary missing part is a localized economy. We do not live within easy walking or biking distance of our stores, banks, relatives, friends, churches (or equivalent) anymore. This is the real goal; re-localization that makes degrowth possible. Dreaming of a Canoo, or any other electric vehicle, is a mistake unless it comes as a piece of the slow degrowth economy - it is the only vehicle for perhaps multiple families because you would not need it most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love electric cars, but I also understand Jevons Paradox, and we cannot grow ourselves out of the planetary, fossil fuel driven crisis that we face simply by changing the power source. We have to think "Small is beautiful" again. It ain't easy folks.
Vehicle design is one of the few Art/Industrial professions that loves the concepts but never deviates far from the legacy designs. That's an industry requirement for marketing, supply chain and also to limit progress. Even though Canoo was in many regards, a typical car (size, weight, performance), it was too radical to get a 2nd look from those controlling the automotive budgets. In western society we've seen Tesla and Rivian as new contenders, and that's about it. Now look at the dozens of Canoo type companies that never made it to market. The same is mostly true for motorcycles. Our financial ecosystem does not allow for new challengers, they're quickly pushed out of the nest.
That is why, in part, I've chosen to develop products that are non-cars. Vehicle that break the barrier of efficiency and cost, but simply are not a car and not going up against a legacy behemoth industry. But fill a significant role: trips under 30 miles, powered by the sun and making the pilots and the community healthier. The ELF is such a vehicle. After 15MM safely traveled miles, is it the safest bicycle ever produced? Is it the most efficient vehicle available?
Yes & Yes. The ELF is back.